We Patriots Declare Independence from the Slorbo-Glormorian empire on this day of March 21st, 1919 SE;

To form a Democratic Republic in Faru.

The Slorbo-Glormorian Empire has violated our basic human rights of representation, freedoms, and the right to elect our own government; suppressing the ideals in which we hold true: Democracy. The Empire for so long has oppressed the many peoples of the Empire under their leaded hands of Tyranny. The Emperor has denied us freedoms of speech, assembly, and representation. For the longest of times we have pleaded in the high courts of Slorbo-Glormoria to simply represent our own interests in law of the very land WE inhabit. For too long the Empire has not listened at all to the wills of the faruans. The Emperor has repeatedly ignored our interests and cries and placed lords who care not what the faruan wants, but that of the Empire. We the faruans have payed hefty taxes to pay for the Empire’s wars, frivolous palaces, and Emperors personal interests, AND yet, we have seen no return in terms of investment. Our people forgotten by the greed of the Empire who cares not of the people, but that of the aristocracy. When famine struck the lands of faru the Empire turned a blind eye to the prospect of giving shipments of wheat, barley, and grain leaving us impoverished and starved. Many had lost family due to the ill management of the Empire’s lazy leaded hands. The Emperor has silenced any form of assembly to give the most basic of rights to our province with their crossbows and pikes. So we hereby end this tyranny of our land and peoples by leaving this rotting Empire. And with that being said our people will form a new REPUBLIC within the territories of the Faruan Province of the despicable Empire.

A convention shall be held on April 20th, 1919 SE, of which groups of three residents of the province will be allowed to send a Delegate. Once two thirds of the delegates can agree on a document which outlines the function of the Republic, it shall be put in place and be the supreme law of the land which shall be known as the Republic of Faru.
